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Company Info

The Anheuser-Busch Companies' recycling subsidiary, Anheuser-Busch Recycling Corporation (A-BRC), was founded in 1979 to help Anheuser-Busch fulfill a strategic role and "close the loop" from aluminum can manufacturing, to production and distribution, to recycling.

One of the nation's first major recyclers, A-BRC has grown into one of the world's largest recyclers of aluminum cans. In the past two decades, A-BRC has recycled nearly eight billion pounds of aluminum beverage containers in all forms and from all 48 contiguous states.

As a company, A-BRC is dedicated to maintaining our strength and status while continually refining our operation for the future. Because just as Anheuser-Busch will always brew beer, A-BRC will always be right beside them, recycling aluminum for can manufacturing.

In an industry of frequent change, it's comforting to know that our success - and yours - rests securely on the wings of a leader.

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