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NOTICE: This web site is the property of Anheuser-Busch Recycling Corporation.

Only authorized persons may access this site for appropriate business purposes and only in accordance with the terms of use included on this site.

The introduction or use of malicious programs such as viruses, trojan horses, keyloggers, spyware, disabling code or other remote access tools is strictly prohibited.

For the protection of authorized users of this site, violators will be subject to reprimand or other action.

To obtain a User ID and Password, please print our Access Request Form* and follow the instructions at the top of the form.


At Anheuser-Busch Recycling, our people go to great lengths to add value to all the services we provide. Many of them manage the front lines answering your questions, solving your problems and keeping your system running smoothly. Others are busy behind the scenes working diligently to refine our operation and improve our services. From marketing and management to administration and support, each member of the team brings his or her own experience and expertise to the job. And each is committed to providing quality service.

For more information on becoming an A-BRC partner and the web services offered to you as a partner, please contact one of our supplier service representatives at 314-577-4430. You can also send them an e-mail at Our product specifications have been provided below for your information.

Can Recycling Product Specifications*
This PDF document contains the can recycling standards that must be adhered to in order to conduct business with A-BRC and our customers. Please contact us if you need further clarification.

*The free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® software is required to view these resources.